“Translating Research Into Practice” is a regular feature of the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research in which clinicians share clinical case examples that support, elaborate, or illustrate the results of a specific research study. Each column begins with the abstract of that study, followed by the clinician’s description of their own application of standard EMDR procedures with the population or problem treated in the study. The column is edited by the EMDR Foundation with the goal of providing a link between research and practice and making research findings relevant in therapists’ day-today practices.
EMDR with Choking Phobia:
Myers, K. (2015). EMDR with Choking Phobia: Reflections on the 2008 Study by de Roos and de Jongh. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 9(1), 64-70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.9.1.64
Partial Abstract: In this issue’s column, Keith Myers references de Roos and de Jongh’s (2008) study, which investigated EMDR treatment of choking phobias. Illustrating the treatment considerations and treatment results reported by de Roos and de Jongh, Myers describes the successful treatment of an adult client who presents with choking phobia and secondary depression using the EMDR protocol for phobias. The case example is followed with a discussion of specific treatment considerations in the addressing phobias within the eight phases of EMDR therapy.
Keywords: EMDR, specific phobias, choking phobia, depression, trauma, bridging research and practice
Keywords: EMDR Foundation, Translating Research Into Practice, TRIP
EMDR with “Flash-Forwards”:
Bellecci-St. Romain, Lisa (2013). EMDR With Recurrent “Flash-Forwards”: Reflections on Engelhard et al. ‘s 2011 Study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 7(2), 106-111. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.7.2.106
Partial Abstract: In this issue’s column, Lisa Bellecci-St. Romain references Engelhard et al.’s (2011) study examining the impact of eye movements on recurrent, intrusive visual images about potential future catastrophes—“flash-forwards.” Illustrating the findings by Engelhard et al., Bellecci-St. Romain describes the successful use of the EMDR standard protocol in two cases—a woman fearful of returning to work even after past memories are cleared and a young man in early sobriety whose reprocessing of the past is interrupted by concerns of an imminent court appearance. The case examples are followed with a discussion of the importance of recognizing and targeting flash-forwards as present triggers in the three-pronged EMDR standard protocol.
Keywords: EMDR, flash-forward, intrusive images, eye movements, bridging research and practice
EMDR with Grief:
Murray, K. (2012). EMDR with grief: Reflections on Ginny Sprang’s 2001 study . Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 6(4), 187-191. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.6.4.187
Partial Abstract: ….. In this issue’s column, Katy Murray references Sprang’s (2001) study, which investigated EMDR treatment of complicated mourning and describes how she used EMDR with three challenging cases—a mother mourning for her young adult son who died by suicide, a woman struggling with the loss of her mother to Alzheimer’s disease, and a young mother whose baby was stillborn. Case examples are followed with a comprehensive discussion.
Keywords: Bridging Research & Practice, Grief, Mourning
Column Announcement:
Maxfield, L. (2012). Translating research into practice . Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 6(4), 158-158. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.6.4.158
We are pleased to introduce in this issue a new journal feature—Translating Research into Practice (TRIP). This new TRIP column is a joint collaboration between the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research and the EMDR Foundation. [Excerpt]
Write a TRIP Column:
We are soliciting clinical case examples inspired by or supported by research.
- Clinicians – If you have read a research article that stimulated your thinking, inspired your work, or made a difference in your work with a client, please share this by writing a brief case description that elucidates or is inspired by the findings of a research article.
- Researchers – If you have been involved in a research study and would like to share clinical examples that elucidate your findings, we invite you to share them with your clinical colleagues by writing your case example and how it relates to your research.
- Clinical consultants and trainers – If you have found a research article that has proven helpful to a consultee or to trainees in their understanding of or application of EMDR, please share your experiences. We can support researchers in disseminating their findings and provide the critical link between research and practice. For a downloadable one page announcement with article instructions, click here.